Plants suitable for the bedroom.
Forget artificial or plastic plants; even if your bedroom isn't the brightest, it's worth adding a live houseplant or two to your room. A touch of green in the bedroom doesn't just look fresh and natural - houseplants can help clean the air. Potted plants are very effective at removing harmful chemicals released by common substances in indoor air, such as cigarette smoke, fabric cleaners, detergents, and plastics.
In addition, the interesting shapes, serene ambiance, and natural beauty of real plants add a powerful surge of peace and calm to your bedroom-something you'll never have in a private space. There's no decorating style that isn't improved by life's touches, and live plants match any other color or pattern.
The trick is to choose the right plants for your space and then meet its simple needs. Don't think that cultivating healthy houseplants requires special knowledge; simply match the plants to the light conditions in your room, water them properly and fertilize them occasionally, and you too can lift a finger.
Putting a few well-chosen plants in your bedroom can create a natural, peaceful, and relaxing sleeping environment. The best bedroom plants are usually houseplants that grow in low light and ideally require very little maintenance.
Not only that, but leafy houseplants also release moisture, helping to moisten the air. Relatively moist, clean air is much healthier than dry air that may contain toxins. Dry indoor air is responsible for a host of illnesses such as respiratory ailments, sore throats, colds, and even skin rashes. Indoor plants help maintain humidity by releasing water vapor during transpiration. In addition to releasing oxygen and humidity, plants produce negative ions, just like in a forest. The presence of negative ions has also been shown to improve mental health, productivity, and overall well-being.
Most people are aware that living organisms, including plants, breathe. During the day, photosynthesis allows plants to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. At night, or when there is no light, the process is reversed - the plant "breathes in" oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. Orchids and succulents release oxygen at night. But there's no need to worry that too many plants will interfere with oxygen breathing while you sleep. Humans and pets produce more carbon dioxide than plants, and indoor ventilation is important.
Aloe Vera
The top air-purifying plant is Aloe Vera, which releases oxygen at night and is perfect for your sleeping environment. It's also one of the easiest plants to care for; you can go three weeks straight without watering it, water it a bit, and it'll be fine. And not only does it purify the air it has medicinal value, but the sap from the leaves can also be used for topical scrapes, burns, and summer sunburns.
Snake plant
Tigertail orchids convert carbon dioxide into breathable oxygen at night. Another advantage of placing this plant in the bedroom is that it does not require much care. These plants need very little light or water to grow well, which makes them a great choice for houseplants.
Hoya carnosa
The succulent, juicy foliage retains moisture without having to water this plant often. Although orchids prefer bright, indirect light, they can grow well in darker conditions. The spherical flowers are also ornamental and can hang down for decorative effect.
Fragrant, flowering plants.
This aromatic plant has a calming scent that promotes relaxation and sleep. Lavender is known to aid sleep and is native to the Mediterranean where people place lavender flowers and leaves on their pillows to sleep more soundly. The unique aroma of lavender plants in your bedroom can promote better sleep and enhance and improve mood.
Conservation tip: Place lavender near a south-facing window. Water the plant whenever the top layer of soil in the pot feels dry. Make sure not to overwater, as lavender roots can easily rot from too much water.
The heady scent wafting from the jasmine plant in your bedroom can improve your mood, calm you down, relieve stress, gently hypnotize you, and help you get a better night's sleep.
Rosemary is an edible herb that has been used for centuries to increase memory and has both edible medicinal beauty, plus rosemary can help you get a better night's sleep. It may be a bit unusual to have rosemary in your bedroom, but it is considered an air-purifying plant that helps relieve stress, regulate your mood, and improve air quality.
Care essentials: Rosemary needs 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, a south-facing well-lit area is appropriate, be sure to prune to control the size, and feel the soil dry for moderate watering.
Using plants to turn your bedroom into a space where Zen and nature blend can help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer.