What is the best sleep posture?
 Good sleep = proper mattress pillow + quality sleep environment + sufficient sleep time + correct sleep posture, one of the four is indispensable.
But obviously, improving the level of sleep posture has a very important role to play in improving the quality of sleep.
 For most people, the most recommended sleeping position is: lying flat on your back
 When sleeping on your back, you can place a fluffy body pillow or ladder pad under your knees to reduce back stiffness and discomfort. If you use a scientific pillow, you can put your head and neck in a comfortable position that puts the least amount of pressure on your neck, thus allowing maximum relaxation for your entire body.
 Because the muscles of the back and neck are most relaxed in this position, it facilitates sleep.
 Sleeping purely on your back is required to use a suitable small pillow to achieve optimal sleep. The key is the height and width of the pillow
 A suitable small pillow width to have two shoulder width, and the height of the pillow or a fist up almost high after pressing down hard.
 In addition to sleeping flat on your back, there are some other sleeping positions
 First of all, it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach
Sleeping on your back, joints, muscles, internal organs will be compressed, the back may be arched, the neck is obviously to one side, easy to breathe, and neck pain will occur in the morning.
 Second, curled up to sleep is also undesirable.When you sleep curled up, you raise your knees near your chest, a position that is very safe for some people, such as newborns.
 However, if you go to sleep and stay curled up, you will wake up with soreness in your body, especially in your arms.
 Finally, side sleeping is suitable for special people
 1 Those who snore badly are recommended to sleep on their sides. The airway will open naturally when sleeping on the side, which can reduce the possibility of suffocation caused by snoring.
 2 Those who suffer from neck and back diseases are recommended to sleep on their side. People who sleep on their side stretch their spine to some extent, which can relieve back pain
 3 For people with GERD, sleeping on the left side is recommended. Sleeping on the left side + padded upper body can make the esophagus higher than the stomach and stomach acid less likely to reflux.
 4 For pregnant mothers, it is recommended to sleep on your side. Of course, pregnant mothers sleep mainly in comfort.
 Sleeping is a process of self-repair for the human body, so we must find the most suitable and comfortable sleeping position to achieve the best sleep quality, while also better maintaining our cervical and lumbar spine system.